Climatic changes are a threat to the environment. The rhythm of their large-scale consequences for economies, society, and nature has accelerated enormously in recent years. To confront this problem, the Spanish Government has proposed the Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima 2021-2030 (the Comprehensive National Plan for Energy and the Climate, 2021-2030), which aims to reduce “greenhouse” gases and the penetration of renewable forms of energy and energy efficiency (IDAE*).
Each person and each company in our field of activity has a social responsibility to be aware of those aims and to work towards their achievement. As a company specializing in technical fabrics for outdoor use, our goal is to maximize heat insulation and counteract the direct consequences of climate change.
In Citel, we are concerned about the environment and committed to society, and we measure adverse effects to minimize them. For our finished textile, we manage to reuse the water through recycling systems and remnants of raw materials and investments. We opted for these to reduce the emission of fumes, among other commitments. In recent years, with the close collaboration of our raw material suppliers, we have reduced the amount of PFCs (per fluorinated compounds) in fabrics to insignificant amounts.
At Citel, thanks to our concern to protect the environment, we have decided to eliminate every single risk. From the beginning of 2012, we have been reducing the amount of PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) to less than 20 ppb, which represents an almost negligible amount of the C8 and C6 fluorocarbons.
*Source: IDAE . El Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) (the Institute for Diversification and Energy-Saving) is a public business entity attached to the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Its mission is to contribute to the achievement of Spain’s objectives in energy efficiency, renewable forms of energy, and other low-carbon technology.